
Who goes into the water with me?

day 11 covid swim 2.jpg

Some of you have been wondering who takes my swimming photos.

Those who know me well will attest to the fact that I’m somewhat of an introvert. The idea of going down to the water, stripping off and swimming with someone, never mind having my photograph taken would fill me with absolute and utter dread, a far greater dread than the idea of jumping into a freezing cold lake or sharing images of myself on social media.

During my 100 Days the odd image was taken by friends who happened to have been around and I know well. All the others were selfies. The same goes for the photos from this current ‘endeavour’ which you can follow here on Instagram or Facebook.

I’m not planning on sharing exactly how I take them. Where would be the fun in that? Instead I thought I’d post some of the bits and pieces I use and leave it to you to work out.

For me this project is simply a way of staying (hopefully) healthy and providing friends and family with some light entertainment in these crazy times. Nothing more. There are far more professional swimmers / photographers out there that I would urge you to follow including the amazing Vivienne Rickman.